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12月12日,英国将提前举行大选。目前,各党派密集开展的竞选活动进入白热化阶段,“脱欧”和英国国家医疗服务体系(NHS)等议题成为各方争论的焦点。苏格兰首席大臣尼古拉·斯特金(Nicola Sturgeon)在英国《金融时报》网站上撰文指出,即将举行的大选,将“定义和塑造英国”。详情>>



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Climate refugees: why we can’t yet predict where millions of displaced people will go

November 28, 2019 9.41am GMT

In the near future, global warming is expected to create millions of climate refugees, and individuals and organisations are already searching for ways to help them. Some ideas are obvious, such as improving conditions in refugee camps.

But there are also more high-tech projects such as using algorithms to forecast where displaced people will travel to. Such forecasts are crucial. They can help support organisations prepare in the right places, they can evaluate current policy (by assessing a counterfactual “what if” scenario) and they can also help predict refugee populations in remote or dangerous areas where there is little empirical data.

So we can predict where climate refugees will go, right?

No. Despite bold and excitable claims that refugee forecasting is largely resolved, we are not convinced. As computer scientists who work on this exact problem, such claims seem like a painful example of running before we can walk.

Almost four years ago, we started to research how people fled from armed conflicts. Many people were displaced due to the Arab Spring and the Syrian War, but little work had been done to predict where they could end up.Africa’s Sahel region contains many of the world’s most climate-vulnerable people. mbrand85 / shutterstock

With our colleague David Bell, we created a tool that could help, and published our work in Nature Scientific Reports. Our tool represents every person as an independent agent, and then uses simple rules-of-thumb derived from scientific insights – for instance “people tend to avoid travelling through mountains when it is raining” – to determine when they will move next, and to where.

This is different from “machine learning” approaches, which use historical data to “train” the algorithm to generate rules and thus predictions. So, for example, machine learning might be given this sort of data: “the number of people that arrived in a refugee camp close to a mountainous area in a conflict that occurred perhaps many years ago, or more recently but in a different country.” The main issue is that historical data used for machine learning is always quantitative, and never is about the conflict that the simulation is directly developed for.

To see how our method worked in practice, we tested our tool against UNHCR data from three recent conflicts in Burundi, the Central African Republic and Mali. Our tool correctly predicted where more than 75% of the refugees would go.Network models for (a) Burundi, (b) Central African Republic and (c) Mali. Conflict zones (red circles), refugee camps (dark green circles), forwarding hubs (light green circles) and other major settlements (yellow circles). Suleimenova et al (2017)

We have since applied our analysis to refugees fleeing conflict in South Sudan, as part of the HiDALGO project. In this study, forthcoming in the Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, we also looked at how policy decisions like border closures affected the movement of refugees into neighbouring countries, such as Ethiopia or Uganda.

We found there was indeed a link – closing the Uganda border in our model causes 40% fewer “agents” to arrive in camps after 300 days, and that effect lingers even after we reopened the border on day 301. Our tool correctly predicted where 75% of the refugees would actually go in real life.

But doing a correct “retrodiction” in these historical cases does not mean that you can do a forecast. Forecasting where people will go is much harder than predicting a historical situation, for three reasons.A school in Uganda for refugees from war in South Sudan. Roberto Maldeno / flickr, CC BY-NC-ND

  1. Every model makes assumptions. For instance, a model that forecasts where refugees go might makes assumptions about their mode of transport, or the likelihood that they stay overnight in a place where violence has previously occurred. When forecasting, we need to know what happens when we give these assumptions a little shake (we examine this in the VECMA project). The less evidence we have for an assumption, the more we need to shake it and analyse how our model responds. Machine learning models generate implicit (and ill-justified) assumptions automatically when they are trained – for example, chosen destinations correlate with the stock value of company X. In agent-based models, these assumptions come from physical factors like the presence of mountains or armed groups, and are explicitly testable.
  2. Forecasting one thing requires you to forecast many other things as well. When we forecast how people escape conflict, we must forecast how the conflict will evolve. And that could depend on future market prices, weather/climate effects, or political changes, all of which would need forecasting too. To be clear: we did not require any of these models when we validated our predictions against a historical situation, so we are building new models just to make forecasts possible.
  3. Forcibly displaced people are usually fleeing from unexpected and disruptive events. Here the data upon which the machine learning algorithms are “trained” is incomplete, biased or often non-existent. We argue that agent-based models are more effective because they do not need training data, and benefit from understanding the processes that drive forced displacement.

So we have not cracked it.

Yes, forecasting is hard. We do not yet know where climate refugees and other forcibly displaced people are going. We still need huge supercomputers just to forecast next week’s weather.

So it pays to be suspicious of the idea that refugee forecasting is already solved, especially if linked to claims that the “next frontier” for computer scientists is in (controversially) extracting data from vulnerable refugees who are often unaware of the privacy and security risks. Given how hard it remains to predict where the millions of climate refugees will go, the “next frontier” is still the last frontier.

Source Link:

Thanksgiving Is Another Reminder of What America Forgot

The absence of Native perspectives in American history books and classrooms has been remarked on for over 50 years. Will it ever change?

Nick Martin November 28, 2019

In a December 1862 letter to the Senate, President Abraham Lincoln ordered the execution of 39 Sioux citizens. In 1851, the Santee Sioux had ceded the land known as Minnesota to the United States in a pair of treaties, in exchange for a constant supply of services and wares to be provided by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Like countless treaties signed by the U.S., the agreements were not honored. Corruption consumed the BIA, and basic food items were subject to price gouging. And so, on the brink of starvation in the early winter of 1862, several hundred Sioux raided white towns and villages, looking for the rations that the government had stolen from them and that the colonizers had previously refused to trade with them.

If one is to believe the historians, Lincoln’s decision to impose 39 death penalties for the Sioux Uprising was one of delicate political balance: He had to kill enough Native resisters so as to stifle any future uprisings but not so many that he provoked another. Thirty-nine was the number he landed on after reviewing the transcripts, down from the 303 execution requests made by the military leaders in Minnesota. His letter to the Senate simultaneously served as both the largest mass execution order and the largest clemency order in U.S. history. Ultimately, 38 Sioux were hanged by the neck until death for having the gall to try to keep their people alive. As they stood atop the trap door, with nooses waiting to deliver the final snap, the condemned men spoke their names and cried out “I’m here! I’m here!”

Ten months later, Lincoln signed another letter. This one was a proclamation: As of October 3, 1863, the president, hoping to bring a symbolic sense of calm and joy to a nation torn in two by the still-raging Civil War, declared the fourth Thursday in November to be “a Day of Thanksgiving and Praise.” Never mind the true history of the day Lincoln sought to memorialize, which, aside from its first peaceable but fragile iteration, had twice commemorated the slaying of Wampanoags in battle. Like the 38 Sioux, that was lost to the past: All that mattered was what the living told themselves and their children.

If you grew up going to public school in this country, you probably don’t recall much, if anything, about Lincoln’s execution order. In the long run, it was hardly exceptional for the U.S., save for how many Native lives it doomed, and even that figure was dwarfed by an endless number of massacres and “battles,” carried out by the military, private companies, and citizens. It was business as usual for a young nation with imperialist desires, with a touch of faux mercy to make it go down smoother for a president who would preside over the forced removal of the Navajo and Pueblo people and the Sands Creek Massacre of 1864. In truth, Lincoln, like many who would follow him, was not so different in practice from the more notoriously Native-hating Andrew Jackson: another chief executive who cared little for or about the Indigenous people he shared a continent with. But American textbooks only have room for so many villains.

It is a pity that so many Americans today think of the Indian as a romantic or comic figure in American history without contemporary significance. In fact, the Indian plays much the same role in our American society that the Jews played in Germany. Like the miner’s canary, the Indian marks the shifts from fresh air to poison gas in our political atmosphere; and our treatment of Indians, even more than our treatment of other minorities, reflects the rise and fall in our democratic faith.

Just a little over 100 years after Lincoln signed the first Thanksgiving proclamation, these words by Felix Cohen appeared quoted in the opening to the 1969 Kennedy Report on Indian Education. The report was helmed by Senator Ted Kennedy and serves as a bedrock document in the Native education and political communities: For the first time, possibly ever, it signaled that major U.S. political players were finally paying attention to the erasure of Native communities from the American mosaic. As part of the report, a review of 100 educational texts taken from public schools across the country came to the belated conclusion that Native people were viewed as little more than “subhuman wild beasts in the path of civilization.”

While I was reporting last year on North Carolina’s decision to close down the High Plains Indian School and integrate my tribe, the Sappony, in 1963, I heard directly from family members about how such slanted curricula affected Native students’ experience. My uncles and aunts told me stories of the other kids at school asking them if they had scalped anyone or if they carried tomahawks, and of discriminatory treatment doled out by teachers and administrators to Sappony children, whose only crime was having skin that was a little darker than their own.


In the 50 years since the Kennedy Report was published, Americans have barely moved an inch when it comes to demanding an accurate historical or contemporary view of Native people be taught in public schools. And this has had a marked effect on Native children forced to listen to their histories being twisted to fit a narrative of deity-ordained land theft and warfare. Writing on this in 1985, Lee Little Soldier found that Native students still often felt “trapped between their birthright and the dominant society, losing touch with the former, but not feeling comfortable in the latter.”

But almost more important than the need for Native children to see themselves properly represented is for those who will have a say in how these curricula are established (in other words, the white-run PTAs and local administrative boards) to correct their own understanding of American history. They also need to accurately perceive the present, realizing that Native communities and individuals exist everywhere, from the reservation to the city to the suburbs. Only by engaging with these communities, including them in the lesson-planning process as living societies rather than mythical figures, can the American school system begin to teach its children how not to exclude and appropriate Native history.

This point was underlined in a 2006 article in the Phi Delta Kappan by Bobby Ann Starnes. While Starnes was relatively well educated on Native history, she found when she began teaching at a predominantly Indigenous school system that all of her knowledge had been historicized—she had no idea of what it meant to actually converse with and teach and befriend Native people, teaching history in a way that has moral weight in the present. “What seem like small matters of word choice,” she wrote, “are important (e.g., did Indians wage war or resist aggression?).” 

Recent years have seen small steps toward delivering teachers and students the overdue updates required to teach these new lessons. The National Educators Association now makes available materials on how to teach Thanksgiving in a historically accurate and culturally sensitive manner. Signed in December 2015, the Every Student Succeeds Act, President Barack Obama’s replacement for No Child Left Behind, required states and local educational agencies to consult with tribes and tribal organizations as they developed their state lesson plans, should they hope to obtain Title I grant funding. Charter schools established to teach history through a Native lens have sprouted with increasing popularity in cities such as Denver and Oklahoma City and Seattle. (As a case in North Carolina recently showed, there are drawbacks to this approach.) But half a century after the federal government declared the country’s biased Indigenous history lessons an educational crisis, these partial measures feel shockingly insufficient.

Fall is a brutal time of year to be Native. Halloween brings “Sexy Indian Princess” costumes. Native American Heritage Month almost inevitably comes with fumbles that undercut the purpose, even without a president trying to squeeze “Founding Fathers” into the month as well. And then there’s Thanksgiving. Even in 2019, principals and teachers deem it appropriate to dress their children up as Natives and celebrate “an annual Pow Wow,” and then post pictures on social media, before being yelled at and quickly deleting their appropriative efforts to whitewash history. Nor are the stereotypes and questionable attempts at representation limited to rural schools, as Saturday Night Live’s recent skit with Will Ferrell, Fred Armisen, and Maya Rudolph dressing up as the relatives of Matoaka (commonly known as Pocahontas) and rambling off a series of shallow punch lines again showed.

Native children have never had the pleasure of seeing themselves and their people adequately acknowledged in their teachers’ lesson plans. Thanksgiving is handled with satin gloves for the sake of the white children. They can learn the name of the chief who sat with the pilgrims of Plymouth, but not that those same pilgrims mounted his son’s head on a pike above their town and left his body to publicly rot. To acknowledge the true history of Thanksgiving would only be the first step, a slippery slope to a nation daring to utter the word “genocide” when thinking about its foundations. It would be a screeching slam of the guitar in the middle of a rendition of “This Land Is Your Land.” It would be the truth.

Source Link:


① 博主宇芽前男友因故意伤害被行拘20日
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重庆市江北区公安机关经调查,“沱沱的风魔教”陈某自2019年4月初至2019年8月底多次对“宇芽YUYAMIKA” 何某某实施拖拽、推搡、殴打等故意伤害违法行为。公安机关根据《治安管理处罚法》给予行政处罚,行政拘留二十日,并处罚款。详情>>






11月28日,北京市延庆区官方政务微博发布消息称:有网友反映北京明声听力康复中心存在打骂儿童情况,经查情况属实。目前,犯罪嫌疑人张某、李某某已被延庆警方依法刑事拘留。事件调查及相应处置工作正在进行中。 详情>>


台湾艺人高以翔在录制浙江卫视真人秀节目《追我吧》时,突发心源性猝死。事后,新京报记者赶往事发地宁波国际金融中心,现场有工作人员正在拆卸节目设施,其中一名工作人员表示,节目已经暂时停录。 详情>>



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【热议】35岁台湾演员高以翔在浙江录节目时晕倒 不治身亡





香港特区教育局发布新闻公报,欢迎国家教育部公布2020年内地高校招收香港中学文凭考试学生计划(文凭试收生计划)的具体安排。参与文凭试收生计划的内地高等院校将增加至122所,分布内地21个省(直辖市)及一个自治区,并接受2020年香港中学文凭考试考生报名。 详情>>


据外媒报道,2020年新iPhone将全面取消现用的英特尔基带,换用高通X55 5G基带,因基带造成的信号问题有望得到改善。除基带外,新iPhone将搭载三条LCP,支持毫米波高频频段,网速将得到显著提升。 详情>>



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11月26日,阿里巴巴正式在香港联交所主板挂牌上市。下午4时,港股收盘,阿里巴巴-SW股价锁定在187.7港元,当日涨幅6.65%。当日换手率为0.34%,成交量为7275万股,总市值为40143亿港元。 详情>>


当地时间11月26日3时54分左右,阿尔巴尼亚首都地拉那及周边地区发生数十年来最强烈的6.4级地震,数座建筑物倒塌。阿尔巴尼亚国防部报告说,此次地震造成的死亡人数已上升到6人,受伤人数已经超过300人。 详情>>



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【科技】对标苹果iPad Pro,华为发布MatePad Pro

25日,华为正式对外宣布平板品牌名 “MatePad”,并推出年度旗舰平板HUAWEI MatePad Pro。今日开启预售,12月12日开启首销。价格方面,最低配置3299元起,5G版本将在明年一季度推出。详情>>


网易公司针对网易游戏前员工离职遭遇一事发布声明称,反思沟通和处理过程,相关人员确实存在简单粗暴、不近人情等诸多不妥行为,网易公司为此事道歉。 详情>>


25日,由新华社《瞭望东方周刊》与瞭望智库共同主办的“2019中国幸福城市论坛”在广东举行,成都脱颖而出,位居“2019中国最具幸福感城市”名单榜首,这是成都第12次荣获“中国最具幸福感城市”称号,第11次蝉联冠军。 详情>>



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特斯拉今天在洛杉矶发布了之前预告的赛博朋克皮卡——Cybertruck。Cybertruck 是一辆由冷轧钢制成的未来派皮卡车,起售价为3.99万美元(约人民币28万元),行驶里程根据版本的不同从250英里(约400公里)到500英里(约800公里)不等。详情>>


据CNN报道,11月22日,全球知名内衣品牌“维多利亚的秘密”母公司L Brands的首席财务官Stuart Burgdoerfer在电话会议中确认,今年的维密秀将被取消,“我们认为,改进维多利亚秘密的营销方式非常重要。”详情>>

【热议】“江一燕获奖别墅”经核实涉嫌违建 已立案

据顺义城管消息,顺义区城管执法局就“江一燕获奖别墅”一事进行调查核实,已确认该建筑物涉嫌违法建设,并作出立案决定。区城管执法局与江一燕委托人取得联系,相关调查取证工作正在进行。 详情>>


22日,国家文物局在京召开“考古中国”重大研究项目新进展工作会,聚焦近期古代丝绸之路沿线四大重要考古发现。分别是:青海都兰热水墓群血渭一号墓、青海乌兰泉沟一号墓、甘肃天祝县唐代早中期吐谷浑王族成员墓、新疆尉犁克亚克库都克烽燧遗址。 详情>>



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中新网消息,当地时间11月20日,在美得克萨斯州进行的地面测试中,美国太空公司SpaceX的“星际飞船”(Starship)MK1的原型机在测试时发生爆裂,喷发出大量白色烟雾,一些固体硬件四处飞射。 详情>>


11月21日,中国就业培训技术指导中心发布《2019年第三季度全国招聘求职100个短缺职业排行》,这是全国层面首次汇总发布人力资源市场招聘求职短缺职业排行。排行显示,营销员、收银员、餐厅服务员、保安员、保洁员、商品营业员、家政服务员、车工、焊工、装卸搬运工排名前十。 详情>>
