2021 Watches and Wonders 钟表与奇迹高级钟表展全新表款作品发布



很高兴与您分享江诗丹顿 2021 Watches and Wonders “钟表与奇迹”高级钟表展全新表款作品。全新表款将在2021 “钟表与奇迹”高级钟表展上瞩目亮相,巧妙演绎了江诗丹顿今年的展览主题——经典,自有“旋”机(Classic With A Twist,诠释出品牌在尊重传统、亦勇于探索全新领域的个性追求中,释放的澎湃创意。


江诗丹顿致力于打造经典的精美时计作品,在制表过程中,始终恪守最高标准,注重整体的平衡和美学设计。但它亦时常跳脱传统规范的束缚,在其中注入大胆的新意。这也是江诗丹顿自创立以来,传承至今的品牌精髓。本次,品牌五个系列再添12款新品,更有3枚以“浩瀚宇宙”为题的全新Les Cabinotiers阁楼工匠主题作品,独一无二,自有“旋”机。






“钟表与奇迹”高级钟表展, Historiques历史名作系列American美国1921腕表是江诗丹顿历史典藏中的代表之作,以其枕形的表壳、倾斜的时间显示,以及位于1点与2点位之间的表冠设计著称。这一先锋表款创制于1919年至1921年间,尽显“咆哮的二十年代”的大胆突破与充沛创意。为纪念这一传奇表款问世100周年,江诗丹顿特别推出三款全新腕表,均搭载品牌自制的4400 AS手动上链机芯,重塑经典设计。其中,两款白金版分别采用40毫米和36.5毫米直径表壳设计,搭配由意大利皮具制造商Serapian的米兰工坊出品的古铜光泽小牛皮表带。第三款为限量铂金珍藏系列腕表,仅发行100枚,每一枚皆有独立编号。

Les Cabinotiers阁楼工匠



江诗丹顿推出Les Cabinotiers阁楼工匠三问报时陀飞轮星空图“狮子座”珠宝腕表,将陀飞轮装置、彰显品牌在报时表领域非凡造诣的三问报时功能,以及旋转星空图巧妙融合于方寸之间。复杂的制表技艺结合非凡艺术工艺,演绎时间的诗意美感。直径45毫米的18K白金表壳上镶嵌100颗长阶梯形切割蓝宝石,点缀于表耳、表冠和表圈上,闪烁着深邃的蓝色光彩,与乳光蓝色调表盘相映生辉。表盘上生动呈现出狮子座的迷人星象。江诗丹顿工坊的艺术大师运用精妙非凡的手工机刻雕花工艺,精心雕琢出纹理各异的三角形图案,拼列成狮子的轮廓。点缀于狮身上的明亮式切割钻石,为狮子座图案更添璀璨星光。

Les Cabinotiers阁楼工匠



Les Cabinotiers阁楼工匠浑天仪式陀飞轮万年历“天象仪”腕表淋漓诠释了江诗丹顿的精湛制表技艺,表盘将自转的球体装置整合其中,彰显出精妙天文复杂功能和精致美学风范。这枚独一无二的时计搭载全新1991手动上链机芯,历时四年研制而成,配备原创的万年历显示机制,包括逆跳日期、星期和月份显示。腕表还罕见地引入3D立体设计,以两个钛金属球体代表地球的南、北半球,旋转一周即为24小时,并设有昼夜显示。秉承品牌的卓越制表技艺,机芯由双轴浑天仪式陀飞轮调节,铝制框架以每60秒旋转一周的速度持续转动。时计搭载直径46毫米的18K 5N粉红金表壳,搭配深棕色鳄鱼皮表带。

Les Cabinotiers阁楼工匠



江诗丹顿推出Les Cabinotiers阁楼工匠三针一线万年历“月光之境”蓝宝石珠宝腕表。这枚独一无二的腕表的与众不同之处在于,采用了规范指针的三针一线指示方式。早在17世纪晚期,规范指针时钟就因走时精准、读时清晰而被制

表工坊用作时间参照。这种时钟以中央指针指示分钟,以12点钟位置的小表盘显示小时。全新腕表搭载2460 RQP自动上链机芯,配备万年历功能,可准确反映日历的复杂变化,在2100年之前都无需调校。星期和月份视窗分列于小时小表盘左右,小时小表盘的4点位设有闰年显示。表盘6点位为日期显示,由一根指针清晰指示,月相显示位于日期显示盘的中央。在江诗丹顿艺术大师的巧手打造下,这枚珠宝腕表镶嵌闪耀宝石,精心点缀于表圈和精美的机刻雕花表盘上。

Métiers d’Art艺术大师系列向伟大探险家致敬



江诗丹顿全新推出三款Métiers d’Art艺术大师系列“探险家”(Tribute to great explorers)腕表,每款限量发行10枚,旨在探索振奋人心的历史篇章。此前,江诗丹顿于2004年和2008年先后推出四款“探险家”主题系列腕表,分别以麦哲伦(Magellan)、郑和、克里斯托夫·哥伦布(Christopher Columbus)和马可·孛罗(Marco Polo)为主题,此次则以方寸之间的精湛微绘艺术杰作,向葡萄牙航海家巴尔托洛梅乌·迪亚士(Bartolomeu Dias)、瓦斯科·达·伽马(Vasco da Gama)和佩德罗·阿尔瓦雷斯·卡布拉尔(Pedro Álvares Cabral)致敬。为了惟妙惟肖地呈现出这三位葡萄牙航海家在15世纪的伟大探索与发现,江诗丹顿采用了高超精妙的大明火珐琅工艺与微绘技艺。每一款表盘都是耐心与匠心的结晶,以1519年绘制、复刻版本现存于葡萄牙里斯本海事博物馆的《米勒地图集》(Miller Atlas)中的一幅地图为灵感,分别生动呈现出部分世界地图。这三款精巧的腕表均采用直径41毫米的纤薄表壳,以18K 4N粉红金材质打造。为了给珐琅大师留出充分施展精湛技艺的舞台,三款腕表均搭载1120 AT自动上链机芯,采用偏心式时间显示布局,通过卫星传动式小时显示机制实现。




以高级定制时装的精致世界和源自江诗丹顿历史传承的美学风格为启发,Égérie伊灵女神系列再次演绎别样风情。这一时计系列巧妙糅合迷人经典气质与大胆现代风范,如今全新推出两款密镶钻石自动上链腕表,分别采用18K白金和18K 5N粉红金材质打造,通体镶嵌闪耀钻石。其中, 表壳上镶嵌303颗钻石,表盘574颗。两款全新腕表采用无需工具即可快速替换表带的巧妙设计,带来灵动乐趣。每枚时计均配备一条缎面表带和一条鳄鱼皮表带,为女性腕间增添一抹精致与优雅。腕表搭载1088自动上链机械机芯,澎湃动力长伴每个珍贵瞬间。









Overseas纵横四海系列推出两款全新超薄万年历腕表,以白金表壳焕新呈现。一款采用极为复杂的镂雕制表工艺打造而成,一款则搭配深邃的蓝色表盘,分别以迥然不同的美学魅力,演绎时尚优雅风范。两款腕表均配备万年历功能,可自行适应日历的不规则变化,在2100年前都无需任何调校。它们凭借精湛技术与出色性能,赢得了钟表收藏家的青睐。镂雕表款搭载了久负盛名的1120 QPSQ/1机芯,透过镶贴18K白金时标的蓝宝石水晶表盘可欣赏其全貌。两个表款均配有透明表底盖,可将机芯的复杂构造、精美的打磨修饰细节,以及摆陀的轻巧转动尽收眼底。每款腕表均配备三条可快速替换的表链/表带,充分满足多样化的风格需求。




全新Overseas纵横四海系列18K 5N粉红金陀飞轮腕表专为旅行者打造,彰显出与时俱进的制表精神。腕表搭载超薄2160陀飞轮机芯,每一处均经过精心装饰打磨,展现细节之美,尽显出品牌的现代风范和精湛技艺。腕表配备三条可快速替换的表链/表带 — 粉红金表链、鳄鱼皮表带和橡胶表带,充分满足不同场合的佩戴需求。






Boucheron世家宝诗龙限时体验空间 于北京SKP首次呈现












永恒绽放 (Eternal flowers)

将大自然片刻的芳华凝结为永恒之美。凭借永恒绽放(Eternal flowers)珠宝作品,世家宝诗龙重新定义了珍贵材料的意义,将花朵绽放瞬间之美停格带入高级珠宝的世界。为了实现这一创举,宝诗龙花费数年时间苦心钻研,让双手和思维摆脱物质世界的束缚,彰显出宝诗龙工匠过人的勇气、技能与才华。

Boucheron宝诗龙永恒绽放 (Eternal flowers) 高级珠宝系列


苍穹之露(Goutte de Ciel


苍穹之露(Goutte de Ciel)手镯



世家传承空间宛如一间图书馆,胭脂红的墙面涂饰“马丁漆”,旨在向“Salon Chinois”致敬。这个神秘内阁灵感源于中国东方风格,于20世纪初由菲德烈克•宝诗龙(Frédéric Boucheron)委托设计,至今仍然保存在旺多姆广场26号的宝诗龙之家中。


世家宝诗龙的历史典藏馆被公认为是旺多姆广场上最为人称赞的珍贵宝藏。辉煌历史赋予世家非凡格调,并引领他们走向未来,令品牌经典不断焕发新颜。品牌创意总监Claire Choisne回溯典藏中丰富的装饰艺术风格资料,从中汲取了简洁流畅的线条和极致简约的风格运用于全新Histoire de Style, Art Deco高级珠宝系列的设计中,展现高级珠宝非凡魅力和永恒美学精髓。四周环绕的数字屏幕持续播放着珍品的视频和图像,来宾可以通过AR互动进行试戴体验。








在舒适的“试衣间”内发现Boucheron宝诗龙的春夏新品就显得更加顺理成章,更完美诠释了世家的一贯风格与品牌哲学——宝诗龙从不强求,只是推荐并鼓励当代男女打造自己的独特型格。在此空间内展出了Quatre、Serpent Bohème、Jack de Boucheron、Nature和Animaux等经典系列的珠宝作品。宾客可在此试戴宝诗龙作品,自由饰我。




位于巴黎旺多姆广场26号的宝诗龙之家不仅是一家珠宝店,更是一处家庭和生活艺术的殿堂,其设计营造出典雅奢华却如家般温馨的巴黎格调。菲德烈克•宝诗龙(Frédéric Boucheron)将客户视作亲友,在这里客人可以享受到如同家人挚友般的热情招待。这种宾至如归般的客户体验在如今的宝诗龙世家依然得以延续。


本次旅途将以宝诗龙北京SKP精品店一侧的“法式生活艺术(Art de Vivre)”体验完美落幕。于去年十月开幕的全球首家Jardin d’Hiver宝诗龙后花园,完美再现位于旺多姆广场26号宝诗龙之家中的冬景花园。扫码完成体验之前三个空间的宾客可以免费来此体验特调饮品,为整个型格旅程留下美好的回忆。

Boucheron宝诗龙品牌代言人周冬雨与法国驻华大使罗梁先生(Laurent BILI)于法式生活艺术空间









Boucheron宝诗龙于1858年由菲德烈克•宝诗龙(Frédéric Boucheron)创立,历经四代人的传承拓新。菲德烈克•宝诗龙(Frédéric Boucheron)于1893年,成为首个在旺多姆广场开设专卖店的当代杰出珠宝商,其极富创意的设计造就品牌高级珠宝与制表界领军者的卓越地位。Boucheron宝诗龙的风格自由且大胆,不断持续创造未来的经典。隶属于全球奢侈品集团开云集团。

蒂芙尼T系列全新风格大片 聚焦经典之作,探寻多元精神


世界著名珠宝品牌Tiffany & Co. 蒂芙尼呈现蒂芙尼T系列全新风格大片,聚焦经典之作下的多面魅力,解读现代设计中的独特精神。蒂芙尼以别出心裁的试镜方式,彰显Tiffany T系列的摩登精髓,诠释不同形式的情感纽带。

蒂芙尼T系列全新风格大片,以简单真实的镜头语言捕捉Tiffany T系列的多面魅力
Tiffany & Co. 蒂芙尼T系列T True 18K玫瑰金手链
Tiffany & Co. 蒂芙尼T系列 T Color 18K黄金镶嵌黑色缟玛瑙手镯

T,蒂芙尼的风格符号,以简练线条凝聚无限能量,从灵动的T Smile系列,到前卫的T1系列,蒂芙尼不断以现代美学精神焕新经典元素,缔造持续引领时代风格的珠宝作品。全新风格大片用简单真实的镜头语言,捕捉每款设计的非凡特质;以模特率性精彩的演绎,展现与众不同的蒂芙尼风尚。




Tiffany T1系列,诠释独特内心自我

Tiffany T1系列为内在的自我力量而生,以大胆强劲的外在风格,映衬个性非凡的独立态度。新颖立体斜边设计,融合棱角鲜明的斜面及多角度抛光细节,打造兼具流畅线条与力量美感的造型。臻美材质与熠熠钻石融入其中,更于交错叠戴间呈现自由不拘的个人风范,彰显自信坚韧的内在力量。

Tiffany & Co. 蒂芙尼T1系列18K黄金镶钻手镯与18K白金镶钻手镯及戒指
Tiffany & Co. 蒂芙尼 T1系列 18K玫瑰金 镶钻宽式戒指
Tiffany & Co. 蒂芙尼 T1系列18K白金镶钻 宽式手镯
Tiffany & Co. 蒂芙尼 T1系列18K黄金 镶钻吊坠
Tiffany & Co. 蒂芙尼T1系列18K玫瑰金镶钻耳环


T True系列,交织爱的力量」


Tiffany T True系列,彰显自在优雅之美

蒂芙尼以“T”形图案为设计之源,呈现极具建筑风格的Tiffany T True系列作品。环环相扣的字母设计,颂扬亲密无间的情感连结;间隔留白的独特巧思,呼应相连亦有自由的现代主张。璀璨钻石铺镶其间,点亮优雅浪漫风格,闪耀爱的非凡力量。

Tiffany & Co. 蒂芙尼T系列T True 18K黄金及玫瑰金手链
Tiffany & Co. 蒂芙尼T系列 T True 18K玫瑰金铺镶钻石戒指
Tiffany & Co. 蒂芙尼T系列 T True 18K黄金铺镶钻石戒指
Tiffany & Co. 蒂芙尼T系列 T True 18K白金铺镶钻石戒指


Tiffany T系列,定格挚友真情」


Tiffany T系列,演绎简约率性风采

作为蒂芙尼标志性作品,Tiffany T系列以鲜明轮廓与简洁线条,诠释友情的真挚与纯粹。多种材质与宝石的创意组合,赋予典范之作更多缤纷细节,缔造不拘时尚风格的同时,更象征友情的多彩多姿。

Tiffany & Co. 蒂芙尼T系列18K玫瑰金及黄金镶钻手镯
Tiffany & Co. 蒂芙尼T系列18K玫瑰金、白金及黄金戒指


T Smile系列,绽放心生笑颜」


Tiffany T Smile系列,传递乐观自信态度

蒂芙尼化迷人微笑为精致珠宝,将柔美线条注入垂直“T”字图形,打造T Smile系列。流畅弧线定格微微上扬的嘴角,夺目钻石释放笑颜的无穷能量。叠戴不同蒂芙尼项链,演绎自由灵动造型,传递乐观自信态度。让微笑,成为每一天的风格点缀。

Tiffany & Co. 蒂芙尼T系列T Smile镶钻项链

传承经典设计,凝聚现代精神。蒂芙尼将摩登风范注入“T”形字母,在不断的延展与解构中,呈现隽永与时尚交织的平衡之美,诠释多元而又独特的情感纽带。无论是个性前卫,还是精致优雅,Tiffany T系列象征坚韧自我的强大力量,彰显个人风格的无限魅力。


关于蒂芙尼 Tiffany & Co.

1837年,查尔斯·路易斯·蒂芙尼(Charles Lewis Tiffany)先生在纽约创办Tiffany & Co. 蒂芙尼。自此,凭借典雅气质、新颖设计、匠心工艺与卓越创新,蒂芙尼成为享誉全球的奢侈珠宝品牌。




深藏 BLUE,那抹迷人的帝舵蓝





帝舵表对“皇家”一词的使用可追溯至上世纪50年代,当时帝舵表率先推出的Royal钢制腕表,不仅具备非凡的品质,更赋予其高贵的气度。上世纪60年代,磨光饰面与坑纹切割相间隔的特色坑纹外圈面世,为帝舵表设计美学增添了的新亮点。同一时期,标志性蓝色元素亦登上历史舞台,成为皇家系列的恒久特色。1973年,一体式表带概念首次出现,随着 Ranger II表款的诞生被收录于帝舵表产品目录,同样包含蓝色盘面的款式。

这些历史经典和美学特色均凝萃于新款帝舵皇家(TUDOR Royal)系列,并被重新演绎,其中一款腕表特别饰有蓝色太阳光线效果磨砂饰面表盘,令饰纹的光线效果更为显著,同时又不失沉稳和典雅魅力。新系列拥有4种尺寸供选择,41毫米款配备星期和日历功能,其他表款则具备日历功能,所有尺寸均可选配镶钻钟点时标。




在历史上,帝舵表于1958年推出了首款防水深达200米(660英尺)的潜水腕表,尺寸39毫米,这也是碧湾1958型的由来。随后在上世纪70年代,帝舵表受法国海军的委托,开始为其提供坚固可靠且技术先进的专业潜水腕表,并以蓝色为主色调,替代了当时潜水表常用的黑色表盘,表底盖还镌刻有独特铭文(字母M.N.及发布年份的最后两位数)。这些被称为“TUDOR MN”的腕 表(帝舵表法国海军腕表)很快便成为收藏家热烈追捧的对象。


腕表搭配的特色织纹表带亦采用“海军蓝”配色,在法国由传统工艺编织而成,其特色鲜明的外观巧妙呼 应了知名的“TUDOR MN”腕表。因为在当时交付给法国海军的潜水表上,也并未配备帝舵表带,而是改为各种类型的织纹表带。

领潜型——至深之蓝 勇闯无惧

过去60年来,帝舵表始终与海洋保持着紧密联系,而在所有现有表款中,要论谁最能代表 品牌天生敢为的探险精神及无所畏惧的开拓精神,则非这款蓝色领潜型(Pelagos)腕表莫属。



启承CHRONO BLUE——“地中海蓝”的浪漫色彩

着染地中海蓝为色调,启承 Chrono Blue (Heritage Chrono Blue)表款仿佛带人回到温暖慵懒的南法海岸,洋溢着浓浓的假日风情,更让人不禁追忆起多彩创意蓬勃发展的70年代。

1971年问世的帝舵首款蓝色计时腕表(型号7169),采用鲜艳的色彩和形似盾牌徽记的五角时标,给众多钟表爱好者留下了深刻的印象。由于其表盘酷似摩纳哥赌场的轮盘,因此以“Monte-Carlo”(蒙特卡洛)的别称闻名于收藏圈。正所谓爱屋及乌,经过重新演绎的启承Chrono Blue计时表也获得了无数爱表人士的青睐。

凝聚品牌历史中对这抹色彩的深厚情感,“蓝色”同样出现在计时腕表的织纹表带上。此款表带专门由法国家族企业采用传统工艺手工制作而成,令近乎失传的提花纺织工艺得以延 续。除标志性的蓝色旋转外圈与45分钟计时盘外,与织纹表带的创意搭配,令启承Chrono Blue 表款更具运动风范,个性十足。

碧湾型32——多面人生 凭“蓝”出彩

碧湾系列的女款腕表中亦融入蓝色元素,展现女性优雅风姿。这款精致小巧的碧湾型32 (Black Bay 32)腕表,将帝舵潜水腕表的标志性设计凝聚于女性腕间,兼具经典外观与实用功能。


碧湾型32腕表防水深达150米(500英尺),搭载自动上链机械机芯,清晰易读。其钢表壳采用磨光与磨砂相间饰面,可选配钢表带、摺扣皮表 带、或黑色织纹表带。多种功能应对多姿多采的生活,凭“蓝”出彩,总能面面俱到。

10 Things You May Not Know About Elon Musk’s Mom, Maye Musk

From biography

Tech giant and entrepreneur Elon Musk is known for his roles in PayPal, Tesla Motors and SpaceX. But before he began making electric cars and launching rockets into space, he grew up in South Africa with his mother, Maye Musk. Maye, in addition to raising Elon and his fellow successful siblings Kimbal and Tosca, has lived a life that, while different from Elon’s, rivals his in accomplishments and fascination. Here are 10 things you might not know about the billionaire’s mother:

She’s a supermodel

Maye started modeling at the age of 15. Though she was told this career would be over by the time she was 18, she ended up working for decades as a print and runway model. “My friends tell me: I was famous before Elon was famous,” she told Vanity Fair.

After turning 60, Maye became more successful, which she’s attributed to her decision to stop coloring her hair. With a stylish shock of white hair, she landed jobs that included an ad for Virgin America, the cover of New York magazine in 2011 and a cameo in the video for Beyoncé‘s “Haunted.”

By 2015 Maye still had to audition for jobs, but did appear in her first runway show for New York Fashion Week. In 2016 she was signed by IMG, a top agency for models. That year she also made fashion waves when she accompanied Elon to the Met Gala. In 2017, when she was 69, she became an ambassador for CoverGirl. She’s the oldest brand ambassador in the beauty company’s history.

“I think it gives hope to women as they age they can continue to work and be relevant and confident and comfortable with themselves,” Maye told Forbes about her achievement.

Her ongoing success also provides a positive example for her field. “Young girls stop me on the street and say my career gives them hope that if I’m doing this at 70 years old, they can do it at 25,” she told Marketwatch.

She’s a dietitian

Maye holds two master’s degrees, one in dietetics and the other in nutritional science. She built a successful dietitian practice in South Africa and then rebuilt her career after moving to Canada in her 40s. Being a dietitian provided Maye with a stable career when modeling work was slow.

Maye put on weight in her 30s, and in the 1990s she was able to shed about 50 pounds by refocusing on healthier food choices like legumes, vegetables and yogurt. However, she’s been upfront about how hard it is to maintain her weight, particularly because she has a sweet tooth and is tempted by treats such as chocolate and sticky toffee pudding.

She’s a social media maven

Maye disproves the stereotype that older people don’t understand social media. Her Instagram feed garnered interest from IMG Models, and signing with them helped take her modeling career to the next level. Maye has credited connections made on Facebook with leading to her first couture show, which happened when she was 67. Plus, she’s used Twitter to build her career as a dietitian and lecturer.

During the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, Maye documented some of her runway moves on Instagram to raise funds for the struggling fashion industry.

She participated in beauty pageants

A friend once entered a 20-year-old Maye in a beauty pageant. She decided to go through with the competition and won. In 1969, she was a finalist for Miss South Africa.

She has a twin

Maye has a twin named Kaye, with whom she remains close. Their children spent time together growing up; like Maye, Kaye also raised successful entrepreneurs.

She had an adventurous upbringing

Maye’s family moved from Canada to South Africa in 1950, when she was almost 3 years old. In winter, the family would venture into the Kalahari desert, taking enough supplies for three weeks. They were hoping to locate the desert’s rumored Lost City, though they were never successful.

She is a domestic abuse survivor

Maye wed Errol Musk in 1970. It was the beginning of a marriage that contained physical and mental abuse, as Errol reportedly beat her and forced her to cut off contact with her family. But splitting up was difficult, as Maye felt embarrassed by her situation. In addition, at the time divorce laws in South Africa didn’t consider abuse a sufficient reason to end a marriage.

After divorce laws changed in 1979, Maye finally felt able to walk away. Years later, she shared details about her marriage in her 2019 book, A Woman Makes a Plan. Maye has also voiced encouragement for women in abusive relationships, telling Page Six, “When you make a big change, it will be scary, but you can’t just stay in a bad situation.”

She worked hard as a single mother

A divorced Maye struggled to make ends meet. She shared in an interview with the Huffington Post, “After my divorce, I had to house and feed three kids without maintenance. Poverty makes you work really hard. I remember crying when one of my kids spilled milk. The saying goes ‘don’t cry over spilled milk.’ I cried because I couldn’t buy another milk that day.”

Maye survived by buying secondhand clothes and used her dietitian skills to provide cheap and nutritious meals, such as peanut butter sandwiches and bean stews. Staying afloat also required hard work. But she explained to CNBC, “I never felt guilty about working full-time, because I didn’t have a choice. Taking care of my children was the top priority; I worked hard to keep a roof over our heads, food in our stomach, and basic clothes on our back.”

When modeling, Maye often brought her three kids to shows. Her children also helped out in her dietitian practice, something Maye did for her own parents’ chiropractic practice.

She created a new life in Canada in her 40s

Thanks to Maye’s being born in Canada, her children were able to obtain Canadian passports. At 18, Elon headed there after graduating from high school. His teenage siblings also wanted to relocate to Canada, so Maye went there to assess the potential move.

While Maye was in Canada, her daughter Tosca made arrangements to sell her mother’s house and car in South Africa. When Maye returned from her trip, she had a decision to make: should she walk away from these possessions, and the career she’d spent years building? She signed the paperwork and took the leap.

However, at the time South Africa limited the amount of money that could be taken out of the country, so most of the proceeds from these sales weren’t available. At one point Maye was working five jobs as she built a new life in Canada, telling Forbes, “I was a research officer at the University of Toronto. I was teaching two nights a week at a nutrition college and two night weeks at a modeling agency. I modeled and I gave talks, and I had a private practice.”

She has no plans to retire

Maye has no plans of slowing down any time soon, telling The New York Times, “I will never retire. My mom never retired. I’ll work until no one wants me anymore, and then I’ll find something else and I’ll still be a dietitian doing nutrition research, which I love.”

Elon Musk blasts Jeff Bezos’ Amazon, alleging effort to ‘hamstring’ SpaceX’s Starlink satellite internet

FromCNBC/By Michael Sheetz

The two richest men on the planet are sparring in front of federal regulators over the massive satellite internet projects their companies are developing.

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk took to Twitter on Tuesday, as his company works to persuade Federal Communications Commission officials that it should allow SpaceX to move some of its Starlink satellites to lower altitudes than originally planned.

Jeff Bezos’ Amazon has been among companies that have disputed SpaceX’s request, on the grounds that the modification would interfere with other satellites.

“It does not serve the public to hamstring Starlink today for an Amazon satellite system that is at best several years away from operation,” Musk said in a tweet.

Amazon responded to Musk’s comment in a statement to CNBC.

“The facts are simple. We designed the Kuiper System to avoid interference with Starlink, and now SpaceX wants to change the design of its system. Those changes not only create a more dangerous environment for collisions in space, but they also increase radio interference for customers. Despite what SpaceX posts on Twitter, it is SpaceX’s proposed changes that would hamstring competition among satellite systems. It is clearly in SpaceX’s interest to smother competition in the cradle if they can, but it is certainly not in the public’s interest,” an Amazon spokesperson said.

Starlink is SpaceX’s plan to build an interconnected internet network with about 12,000 satellites, designed to deliver high-speed internet to anywhere on the planet. With more than 1,000 satellites so far in orbit, SpaceX began a public beta program in October. Initial service is priced at $99 a month, in addition to a $499 upfront cost to order the Starlink Kit, which includes a user terminal and Wi-Fi router to connect to the satellites.

Meanwhile, Amazon has been working on its own satellite internet called Project Kuiper. It plans to launch 3,236 internet satellites into low Earth orbit — a system that would compete with Starlink. While Amazon in December passed a critical early hardware milestone for the antennas it needs to connect to the network, it has yet to begin producing or launching its satellites.

The FCC in July authorized Amazon’s proposal for Kuiper, which the company says it will invest more than $10 billion in to build.

Musk’s comment comes after SpaceX director David Goldman spoke with FCC officials late last week to discuss the company’s proposal to move some of the Starlink satellites to lower altitudes.

In a presentation to the FCC, Goldman highlighted that Amazon representatives have had “30 meetings to oppose SpaceX” but “no meetings to authorize its own system,” arguing that the technology giant is attempting “to stifle competition.”

In December, representatives of Amazon spoke with FCC chairman Ajit Pai about SpaceX’s request to modify its Starlink plans. Amazon asked that the FCC limit SpaceX’s satellites to a minimum altitude of 580 kilometers until the regulator “fully evaluates the detailed record on the significant interference concerns” that Amazon believes are presented SpaceX’s modification.

“SpaceX has indicated that it is capable of operating its system without exceeding 580 km and has not demonstrated why such a condition should not be effective immediately,” Amazon corporate counsel Mariah Dodson Shuman wrote in a letter to the FCC.

Both companies’ satellite networks represent ambitious projects, with SpaceX, like Amazon, saying its network will cost about $10 billion or more to build.

But SpaceX leadership estimates that Starlink could bring in as much as $30 billion a year, or more than 10 times the annual revenue of its rocket business.

SpaceX earlier this month expanded its beta program to include customers in the United Kingdom and Canada. The company is looking to widely expand Starlink access internationally, with public records showing the company registered in Austria, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, France, Chile, Colombia, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the Philippines, South Africa and Spain.

Welcome to Elon Musk’s school, where kids play with flamethrowers and shirk foreign languages

From businessinsider

  • Elon Musk cofounded a school for his five sons in 2014, called Ad Astra.
  • At first, the school only had eight students and was based in a conference room at SpaceX. It now boasts around 40 students, an Ars Technica report revealed.
  • Ad Astra has no grades, so children aged seven to 14 learn together in teams.
  • Students learn about AI, ethics and how to build things including weather-balloons and battle-bots.
  • Sports, music and foreign languages are not on the curriculum.
  • The school has its own unit of currency, the “Astra,” to promote entrepreneurship.

Elon Musk started a school called Ad Astra in the offices of SpaceX — and a new report has revealed that its curriculum is absolutely wild.

A new report from Ars Technica drew together information about the school, including a freshly uncovered document filed with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), which revealed that Musk funds it to the tune of nearly half a million dollars.

Ad Astra (meaning “to the stars” in Latin) has not exactly been a secret since its launch in 2014, but details about what goes on at the school have been scant. Its website is enigmatic, containing only a logo, a contact email, and a portal for parents.

Musk, who has five sons, co-founded Ad Astra in Hawthorne, California with teacher Joshua Dahn. In an interview with entrepreneur Peter Diamandis last year, Dahn said that Ad Astra started out with just eight children in a conference room at SpaceX with glass walls.

The school now has around 40 students, around half of which are the children of SpaceX staff. The IRS document notes it will probably never exceed 50 students “because of the intense staff to student radio.”

Musk told a Chinese TV station about Ad Astra in 2015. “There aren’t any grades, making all of the children go in the same grade at the same time like an assembly line,” he said. Instead, children aged seven to 14 work together in teams, and while they do receive scores on their work, they do not receive letter-grades at the end of a semester.

The wild Ad Astra curriculum

The curriculum at Ad Astra is unconventional to say the least. Students learn about artificial intelligence and how to give what is “essentially a TED talk,” according to Dahn. Ethics are also explored through hypothetical scenarios: For example, deciding who’s to blame for a factory which has polluted a nearby lake.

Sports and music are not on the curriculum — although there is dodgeball at lunch, and Dahn says one of the students is “probably objectively the best violinist under the age of 12 in the world.”

Foreign languages are also absent due to Elon Musk’s personal philosophy that real-time translation software will soon make the subject obsolete.

Instead, the children learn various coding languages (Scheme, Swift, and Scratch) and get to experiment with more applied science than in your average school science lab.

“We blow shit up,” says Dahn, talking about the school’s chemistry classes. The students also get to construct things in a module called “A-Frame,” from weather-balloons to battle-bots.

The children reportedly asked whether they could be allowed to incorporate flamethrowers and electromagnetic pulses into their robots. “The answer’s always yes,” says Dahn, laughing, “until you destroy the school.”

To encourage entrepreneurship Ad Astra also has its own unit of currency called the “Astra,” which the children are able to trade with each other.

“One of the things they do is three times a year there’s a marketplace called the Bazaar and at the Bazaar the kids have their own companies essentially,” Dahn said. He gives an example of a student who builds websites for his classmates, including one who makes “gourmet cookies.”

Musk foots the bill for Ad Astra, and according to the IRS document found by Ars Technica Musk gave the school $475,000 in 2014 and 2015. Dahn added: “It’s extraordinarily generous and it allows us to take any kid that sort of fits.”

Elon Musk’s Girlfriends: The Truth About His Love Life

From thenetline

Elon Musk is widely regarded as the architect for the future. He has always been a visionary with a rare ability to predict and invent what the world will need in the future. Some of the visionary products and services engineered by him include Tesla and PayPal. He is also the chief engineer of an ambitious space program known as SpaceX.

Musk’s professional achievements are well documented, but he prefers to keep his personal life private. Elon rarely talks about his relationships, and even when he does, he keeps the intimate details to himself.

Keep reading to find out more about Elon Musk’s unspectacular relationship history.

He believes that he needs a companion for him to be happy

Elon has achieved a lot throughout his career, and most people would think that his numerous achievements make him very happy. The man has a net worth of close to $21 Billion, but he believes that without a companion, he can never be truly happy. Elon revealed in an interview with Rolling Stone;

If I’m not in love, if I’m not with a long-term companion, I cannot be happy…I will never be happy without having someone. Going to sleep alone kills me.

Elon Musk is another example of the cliché that money doesn’t buy happiness. In Elon’s case, his numerous achievements only serve to make him feel more alone. They seem to make the void in his heart and his life bigger. Listening to him, you get the sense that he wants to share it all with someone special. He told Rolling Stone;

It’s not like I don’t know what it feels like: Being in an empty house, and the footsteps echo through the hallway, no one there – and no one on the pillow next to you. Fuck. How do you make yourself happy in a situation like that?

This desire to never be alone has been a part of Elon for most of his life. It’s almost as if it is engrained in his DNA. This fear of abandonment can be traced back to how his parents raised him. His mom and his dad were rarely around to give him guidance and support. He had to learn how to live through books. One might say that he turned out okay, but the experience with his parents created an emotional scar that still haunts him up to today.

Despite all this, Elon hasn’t given up on finding his perfect partner. He told Rolling Stone;

I’m looking for a long-term relationship. I’m not looking for a one-night stand. I’m looking for a serious companion or soulmate, that kind of thing.

Considering Elon’s impact on the globe, everyone hopes that he will find love sooner rather than later.

He married his first wife in the year 2000


Elon’s first attempt at finding a lasting love came when he met Justine Musk at Queen’s University. He saw the Canadian beauty from across the common room of the university, and he decided that he wanted to approach her.

When Elon approached Justine, he told her that they’d met at a party that Justine hadn’t attended. Nevertheless, Justine accepted Elon’s ice cream date invite. However, come date-time, Justine went back on her promise. She chose to study instead of going for the date with Elon.

Elon didn’t give up, and several hours later, he showed up at the school’s student center with two melting ice cream cones. He wasn’t fazed by Justine’s refusal, and he was determined to get his girl. Elon continued to woo Justine even after he transferred to Wharton. He would regularly send roses to Justine, and he would occasionally visit Queen’s University to have dinner with her.

According to Justine, Elon’s fascination with her was not because of outward beauty, but because of the desire that she had to succeed. After dating for a long while, the couple got married in January 2000. When Elon and Justine started dating, Elon was a struggling entrepreneur. By the time they got married, Elon was worth about $20 million.

Justine told Marie Claire that the marriage began to go downhill when the couple’s first child died after ten weeks due to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Nevada’s death seemed to affect Elon more than he admitted. He refused to discuss the matter with Justine and even labeled her public grieving as ‘emotionally manipulative’.

Eight years into the marriage, the cracks in the couple’s marriage were too big for Elon and Justine to ignore. He filed for divorce after a failed attempt to save the marriage through counseling. Despite this sad ending, five good things came out of the failed marriage. Justine told Marie Claire;

Although I am estranged from Elon – when it comes to children, I deal with his assistant – I don’t regret my marriage…Elon and I share custody of the children, who are thriving. I feel grounded now, and deeply grateful for my life.

He married and divorced his second wife twice

Six weeks after filing for divorce, Elon informed Justine that he was engaged to British actress Talulah Riley. It, therefore, came as a surprise that Riley and Justine got along during the divorce proceedings. Justine told Marie Claire that she sent Riley an email stating;

I would rather live out the French-movie version of things, in which two women become friends and various philosophies are pondered, than the American version, in which one is ‘good’ and one is ‘bad’ and there’s a huge catfight sequence and someone gets thrown off a balcony.

Riley simply responded, “Let’s do as the French do.

Talulah and Elon got married after the conclusion of the divorce proceedings. News of their divorce emerged in 2012. Elon confirmed the rumors when he posted a tweet saying;

It was an amazing four years. I will love you forever. You will make someone very happy one day.

The couple reunited and remarried in 2013. A year later, Elon filed for divorce, but he withdrew it before the court concluded the divorce proceedings. The next stage in this up and down relationship came in 2016 when Riley filed for divorce.

Riley and Elon are still on good terms, and they are involved in each other’s lives. Riley told People;

We still see each other all the time and take care of each other.

He had a painful breakup with actress Amber Heard

Reports about the relationship between Amber and Elon first emerged in 2016. At the time, Amber and Johnny Depp had just finalized their divorce. Elon had also just concluded his second divorce from Talulah Riley.

Amber revealed that a shared love for science brought the couple together. She told The Hollywood Reporter;

Intellectual curiosity, ideas and conversation, a shared love for science. We just bonded on a lot of things that speak to who I am on the inside. I have so much respect for him.

In August 2017, reports emerged stating that Elon and Amber had split up. The reports suggested that their conflicting schedules led to the split. However, the couple reunited again in 2018.

It turned out to be a brief reunion. A source told People that after a month, the couple decided to break up. The source said;

Elon decided it was time to end it and Amber agreed. They both still care deeply for each other but the timing wasn’t right.

The source suggested that the decision to break up was mutual, but Elon revealed that Amber decided to end the relationship. Elon told Rolling Stone that it was a tough break up;

Well, she broke up with me more than I broke up with her, I think…I’ve been in severe emotional pain for the last few weeks. Severe. It took every ounce of will to be able to do the Model 3 event and not look like the most depressed guy around. For most of that day, I was morbid.

Elon had high expectations for his relationship with Amber, and it hurt a lot when the relationship ended. Amber and Elon are currently good friends.

He is currently dating indie singer Grimes

The public learned about Elon and Grimes’ relationship when the couple attended the 2018 Met Gala together. According to Page Six, Elon and Grimes met online in April 2018.

Reports suggest that the couple’s relationship is still strong. However, Grimes told Cultured Mag that the relationship is having a bit of a negative impact on her career;

It’s sad how love can be this beautiful thing, but then love is the thing that’s fucking up my career.”

Grimes was referring to the backlash that she received when news about her relationship with Musk emerged. She has since changed her official stage names from Grimes to ‘c’ as a response to the added publicity she is facing due to her relationship with Elon. She said;

You just have to totally untether your personality from your public persona. I’m like, I don’t want to use that name [Grimes] anymore. I don’t want to use that face anymore. Because it now stands for something I don’t agree with.

Time will tell how far Elon and Grimes’ relationship will last.

Blinken becomes Biden’s top diplomat after a friendship forged over decades

From CNN /By Kylie Atwood

Washington (CNN)It was February 2008 when a snowstorm suddenly overwhelmed the flight path of two American helicopters, forcing them to make an unexpected landing on a mountaintop in Afghanistan.

On board the aircrafts overlooking Taliban territory were Joe Biden and Antony Blinken, his then-top adviser on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, along with a few other members of the committee, according to two sources on the trip.
When the helicopters landed, soldiers accompanying them established a perimeter around the narrow mountain peak while they decided what to do next. Blinken hopped out of his helicopter to check on Biden.
The source on the trip told CNN that they “remember Tony being unbelievably calm throughout the entire thing and occasionally quite funny. He did not blame anyone for what had happened.”
“Tony just knew how to keep everything under control. He mirrors Biden in that way. They are both calm under pressure,” they said.
Blinken, the newly confirmed secretary of state, has worked with Biden for almost 20 years, and many describe him as having the closest personal relationship with the President of anybody in the Cabinet. They forged that bond in the field, on a tremendous number of foreign trips they took together when Biden was the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, but also through a US presidential campaign, the shared experience of personal loss and ties between their families.
 Over the years, Biden has relied on Blinken to deal with crisis scenarios in an even-keeled manner, to morph his foreign policy ideas into reality, to support his political endeavors, and to be a loyal friend.
“Tony has been a part of Joe’s evolution, learning, and changes as he has confronted challenge after challenge over decades,” said Delaware Democratic Sen. Chris Coons, who sits on the foreign relations committee and called Blinken “an irreplaceable part of Joe Biden’s inner core team.”

Expected to be privy to all major decisions


Blinken is expected to be privy to every major decision Biden makes as President, according to multiple sources who spoke with CNN. That deep level of involvement will be driven by Biden administration’s belief that foreign policy is intrinsically tied to domestic policy and the need to strengthen democracy at home, but it is also a reflection of their sturdy comfortable relationship, the sources explained.
“They will continue to nurture their relationship, and it will be wide ranging,” said an official who is planning to join Blinken’s State Department. “They will see each other a lot. And some of it may be over casual dinners at the White House.”
When Blinken began working with Biden on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 2002, the Iraq War debate was ongoing, accelerating their relationship, which may have otherwise matured at a slower pace.
“The war drums were beating,” said a source who was working on the committee at the time. “The relationship forged pretty quickly.”
Blinken worked alongside Biden when he voted in favor the Iraq War — a vote that has been repeatedly scrutinized, and one that Biden and Blinken have both said Biden regretted.
After that initial bonding experience over the most fundamental foreign policy question of war and peace, Blinken was involved in almost every foreign policy declaration or policy that Biden put forth during his time in the Senate and as vice president.
Even when Biden went against the grain — for example, in advocating for a smaller troop presence in Afghanistan when other national security officials advocated for a troop surge in the early days of the Obama administration — Blinken advocated for his views at the interagency level and fine-tuned the policy Biden was driving it forth.
“Blinken channels Biden’s passion and energy into a constructive outcome,” said the source on the Afghanistan trip.
“It was Biden’s style to absorb information and give feedback extemporaneously, in the moment, which does not lead to a crisp foreign policy paper,” said the source who worked on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee with them. “But Blinken is skilled in communications and writing. He could do it.”
Blinken’s tight-knit relationship with Biden is what career diplomats and those close to Blinken’s inner circle expect to fuel his efficacy as America’s top diplomat.
“The challenge always with the secretary of state and the president is does the secretary of state really speak for the president? And when he says something, does the foreign government that he’s talking to believe that that is what the president actually thinks?,” former career US diplomat Lew Lukens told CNN. “When Tony Blinken travels the world, people will know what he says is what Joe Biden believes and thinks. He speaks for the President, and that is incredibly important for a secretary of state. And we didn’t always have that.”

Involvement in Biden’s political career


Blinken has not solely been a foreign policy adviser to Biden, he has also been intimately involved in aspects of Biden’s political career.
In 2008, the night Biden got home from being announced in Springfield as Barack Obama’s running mate, he had a couple staffers up from Washington to his home to plan. Blinken was one of just four, explained a source who worked with them on the campaign. After that, he went on the road with Biden as he traveled the country campaigning.
“Truthfully, almost all of the messaging and speeches day in and day out were about domestic issues, not foreign policy. But Sen. Biden wanted Tony there by his side because he knew the presidency was always shaped by foreign policy decisions, and he wanted uninterrupted time with Tony to plan. But he also wanted something else: a friend and trusted confidante,” said the source who worked with them on the 2008 campaign. “As many of us on the plane were falling asleep, you could usually see a light on up in the front two seats, and it was Sen. Biden and Tony talking late into the night.”
And there is another layer that deepens the connection: Blinken’s wife, Evan Ryan, was Biden’s deputy campaign manager when he ran for the nomination in 2008. After working on the Biden transition, Ryan is now serving in the Biden White House as the executive secretary.
The two couples have been loyal friends throughout times of hardship when they have experienced family loss, according to sources familiar with their relationship. Biden’s father died in September of 2002 when he first met Blinken, and then in 2015, Blinken’s stepfather and Biden’s son, Beau Biden, both passed away.
“President Biden is personally close to both Tony Blinken and Evan Ryan and Tony has been an incredibly loyal, capable and effective adviser, staffer and personal friend of the sort that is rare in Washington,” said Coons.






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